Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The person on the right is Ben Dijkstra, my fraternities president. I think he would make an awesome documentary subject because of all the "behind the scenes" garbage he puts up with or fixes in order to keep our fraternity running smoothly and efficiently.

This character is Matt Zakrowski, my fraternity big brother. He is hands down one of the wittiest and funny people I have met in a long time, and he is also what some might consider a fantasy football god. He always has something funny or smart to say and I think anytime spent around him with a camera rolling would produce gold.

This (obviously an old picture) is my great grandpa Curly who is a WWII veteran. Last week he was accepted to take an "Honorary Flight" to Washington D.C. with other World War II vets, and today is the day he left. This is from the post his church made today about the trip: "Today Loren "Curly" Wilson is having, as he says, "one of the best days of my life!" He is in Washington, D.C. being honored for his service to our country in WWII. We are so happy he was able to make this trip of a lifetime. We celebrate his productive, faithful and happy life, and honor him for his service in such perilous times. Our prayers are with you today, Curly. Thank you!" My grandpa has always been a hero of mine and to ask him about his life and various things he's been through including the war would make for an awesome doc


 On day one, I was director. This is a shot of us getting some "gravy shots" of the feet movements from the nurses
This is my shot from the finale

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Depth of Field

This photo has a very shallow depth of field. The focus is all on the chicken and the coffee cup right in front of the lens, while everything in the background is drowned out. This depth of field aids the composition in the way that all the attention is drawn to the foreground and your eye wants to look at the chicken, instead of what is happening behind it.